Caimeiju Staff
Chinese Translation for Real Estate Publishing; How to Steer Clear of Disaster
If you're just getting started outsourcing translation projects for your real estate firm, here are some helpful tips on how to steer clear of disaster.
How to Show Real Estate Videos in China
You've just dropped $5,000 (or more) on a top-of-the line cinematic masterpiece for your new listing; drone footage, fancy car pulling up to the house, models... Now consider there are over 80 Million people in China wealthy enough to purchase luxury property overseas who will never see your video.
Chinese Real Estate Sellers?
There's a new narrative, and it's only become apparent over the last 12-15 months. That's Chinese Real Estate Sellers.
How to Share Real Estate Listings using WeChat
世界最美十所大学 清华上榜
度假天堂——橙县纽波特海滩市(Newport Beach)
纽波特海滩市(Newport Beach)位于南加州橙县,是美国最富有的城市之一。人口约八万六千人,其中白人占绝大多数、亚裔其次。该市成立于1906年,总面积为53平方英里(137平方公里),其中陆地约占45%。
沿着洛杉矶往橙县走,美丽的海岸线外有两座知名的岛屿,Catalina Island 和 Balboa Island,都是漂亮的度假天堂。前者较大,但离陆地较远,可以乘船到岛上。后者较小,据说,这个小岛是第一次世界大战前在海湾处用淤泥堆积而成的,完全是人工造成。